MYP Design Template for 12 week project.

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MYP Design Template for 12 week project. by Mind Map: MYP Design Template for 12 week project.

1. Criteria D

1.1. Criteria D Guide Sheet

1.2. D-1: Outlines simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution:

1.2.1. Your Response:

1.3. D-2:  Outline how the solution could be improved:

1.3.1. Your Response:

1.4. D-3: outline the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

1.4.1. Your Response:

2. Criteria C

2.1. Criteria C Guide Sheet

2.2. C-1: outline a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

2.2.1. Your Response:

2.3. C-2:  demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

2.3.1. Your Response:

2.4. C-3: follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended

2.4.1. Your Response:

2.5. C-4: list the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

2.5.1. Your Response:

2.6. C-5: present the solution as a whole

2.6.1. Your Response:

3. Criteria B

3.1. Criteria B Guide Sheet

3.2. B-1: develop a list of success criteria for the solution

3.2.1. Your Response:

3.3. B-2:  present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

3.3.1. Your Response:

3.4. B-3: present the chosen design

3.4.1. Your Response:

3.5. B-4: create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution

3.5.1. Your Response:

4. Criteria A

4.1. Criteria A Guide Sheet

4.2. A-1: explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

4.2.1. Reason #1:

4.2.2. Reason #2:

4.2.3. Reason #3:

4.3. A-2:  state and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem

4.3.1. Research Source #1:

4.3.2. Research Source #2:

4.3.3. Research Source #3:

4.3.4. Research Source #4:

4.4. A-3: Describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem

4.5. A-4: Present the main findings of relevant research.

4.5.1. Key Point #1:

4.5.2. Key Point #2:

4.5.3. Key Point #3:

4.5.4. Key Point #4:

5. Design

5.1. 2015-2016

5.1.1. G8

5.1.2. G7

5.1.3. G6 10 Things Every Games Need

6. Support Documents

6.1. How to Prep a file for the laser Cutter


6.3. How to test your prototype

7. Progress Calendar

7.1. Week 1:

7.2. Week 2:

7.3. Week 3:

7.4. Week 4:

7.5. Week 5:

7.6. Week 6:

7.7. Week 7:

7.8. Week 8:

7.9. Week 9:

7.10. Week 10:

7.11. Week 11:

7.12. Week 12: