P-6 instructional leadership 10.13.19

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P-6 instructional leadership 10.13.19 por Mind Map: P-6 instructional leadership 10.13.19

1. Teachers are expected to teach 50 achieve 3000 lessons a year.

2. easyCBM tiers of intervention data

2.1. Sixth is 34 Raw score

2.2. Fifth is 33 Raw score

2.3. Fourth is 33 Raw score

2.4. 3rd grade, 50th percentile (69% correct and below, raw score of 31)and less correlates with not meeting standard on the MSP.

2.5. Idea is 33/34 raw score for strategic and 20 and below as intensive

3. Math Whizz

3.1. Ridgecrest used 173 seats last year. 20.4% of our population

3.2. Ridgecrest averaged 8 minutes per week for all students

3.3. Showing growth but not the two years as advertised

3.4. How much time does it take to get the 20 minutes of instruction?

4. Resolution NO 2010-30

4.1. Goes to the board

4.2. Shared with SEA

4.3. I-728 related

4.4. Rumors are I-728 carry over funds are going to be claimed by the state. This resolution protects Shorelines carry over

4.5. Here is the resolution--Click Small Icon to see

5. Librarian Meetings

5.1. Still working out a plan for coordinating librarian planning time

5.2. The librarians feel the principals support their planning time

5.3. The idea is to have librarians meet outside of the student day because it blocks out Thursday morning for the year

5.4. Equity of access is a question. Plus it is challenging to build building schedules with band and orchestra already blocked out. Blocking out library is bringing more complexity

5.5. Some principals are worried about access to the Library for larger schools.

5.6. Does blocking out the library support RTI, particularly in larger schools

5.7. Have librarians back in the building by 9:30?

6. Assessment and Student Information

6.1. easyCBM

6.1.1. Very high participation rate across the board

6.1.2. 20th percentile is tier one. Student misses 50% of the test. Many students in shoreline come into school very well prepared.

6.1.3. First grade most kids are at the 50th to 60th percentile

6.1.4. Second grade they are a little more challenged, but doing well


7.1. Shown low risk and at risk data

7.2. Looking into a cohort component

7.3. Data is showing we need to assess all kids all three times. Even if they were at benchmark.

7.3.1. Kids above standard in the Fall read one passage for the assessment. Best time is the Spring? Maybe choose a passage that feels like a good measurement tool. According to DIBELs it is the middle passage

8. Kerry Quinn is a technology expert who can help with implementing technology in the classroom.

9. Achieve 3000

9.1. Training will be available in November

9.2. Teachers need to do 50 lessons a year