1. Scenario: A teacher shares the test score results of a student who is performing below the expected proficiency level with that student's caregiver.
1.1. Description of the student and the issue that you will discuss with the parents:
1.1.1. In this scenario, we will discuss the student’s “Text Level Assessment” (TLA). The teacher will explain the school’s use of the Fountas & Pinnell scoring system.
1.1.2. Chart:
1.2. Description of the documentation (i.e. test scores, graph, behavioral report) that you will share with the parents:
1.2.1. The teacher will explain how the student is assessed /scored, as well as the student’s current reading level. (A-Z)
1.3. Description of how the meeting with parents will be conducted/ Narrative of presentation to the parents:
1.4. Description of the next steps, follow-up, or action items for both the teacher and parent that will be completed after the meeting:
2. Scenario: A teacher shares information about the overall academic progress and performance of a student who has not been performing to the level of his/her capacity with that student's caregiver.
2.1. Description of the student and the issue that you will discuss with the parents:
2.1.1. A meeting will be held to discuss the results of a student's mid-year report card that has been issued.
2.2. Description of the documentation (i.e. test scores, graph, behavioral report) that you will share with the parents:
2.2.1. The teacher will have a copy of the student’s most recent report card on-hand, as well as examples of student work.
2.3. Description of how the meeting with parents will be conducted/ Narrative of presentation to the parents:
2.4. Description of the next steps, follow-up, or action items for both the teacher and parent that will be completed after the meeting:
3. Scenario: A teacher shares information about the the social skills or conduct of a student who has been misbehaving in class with that student's caregiver.
3.1. Description of the student and the issue that you will discuss with the parents:
3.1.1. In this scenario, we will discuss the student’s daily classroom behavior, which includes frequently interrupting the teacher, getting up out of their seat when not permitted, and aggression towards others- sometimes leading to office referrals/suspensions.
3.2. Description of the documentation (i.e. test scores, graph, behavioral report) that you will share with the parents:
3.2.1. The teacher will provide documentation which includes daily behavior reports that are included in the child’s daily folder for parent review, as well as a report of dates/types of office referrals/suspensions.