Blue Iguana Mind Map
by Cameron Scott

1. Human causes of endanngerment
1.1. Introduction of non-native animals
1.1.1. Cats
1.1.2. Dogs
1.2. Removal of natural fruit forests for farmland
2. Biome/Ecozone
2.1. Tropical forests
3. Status
3.1. Critically Endangered
4. Biology
4.1. Length (With Tail)
4.1.1. 1.5m
4.2. Weight
4.2.1. 14 Kg
4.3. Colour
4.3.1. Male Dark grey/Turquoise blue
4.3.2. Female Olive green/Pale blue
4.3.3. Young Dark green/brown
4.4. Life Cycle
4.4.1. Sexual maturity: 3-4yrs old
4.4.2. Life Span In wild Unknown In captivity Record:69yrs (54yrs in captivity)
4.5. Offspring
4.5.1. Clutch=1-21 eggs
4.5.2. Laid in burrows
5. Why the animal is endangered
5.1. Habitat loss
5.2. Non-native predators
6. Action Plan
6.1. What we can do
6.1.1. Support NGOs
6.1.2. Not harm the animals if we see one
6.2. What NGOs can do
6.2.1. Lead captive breeding programs
6.2.2. Raise awareness
6.3. What governments can do
6.3.1. Not allow hunting
6.3.2. Protect the animal
6.3.3. Create preserves