Cognitive Complexity

LME 535 Discussion Board 1: Component 2: Prompt 4

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Cognitive Complexity by Mind Map: Cognitive Complexity

1. What is the new level of cognitive complexity?

1.1. New Level of Complexity for CREaTe Framework: Specializing

1.1.1. Students are collaborating with experts and are working on a national or global issue.

1.2. New Level of Complexity for Bloom's Taxonomy:Creating

1.2.1. By implementing the plan and expanding upon it,  students are actively creating using high order thinking.

2. What are some ways to increase the level of thinking for this task?

2.1. Students could take it a step further and create a plan to implement that is in line with their ideas, based on the feedback that they received from their principal.

2.2. Students could take this process and implement and similar plan to come up with ways the community outside of school could "go green".

2.3. Students could work with an Environmental specialist from the community to collaboratively gain momentum with their project while simultaneously gaining insight from a professional in the real world.

3. References:

3.1. Maxwell, M., Stobaugh, R., & Tassell, J. H. (2015). Chapter 2: Cognitive complexity. In Real-world learning for secondary schools: Digital tools and practical strategies for successful implementation. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. ISBN: 9781935249443

3.2. Maxwell, M., Stobaugh, R., & Tassell, J. H. (2015). CREaTe Framework. Retrieved from

3.3. Bloom's Taxonomy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

4. CREaTe Framework

5. What is the level of Cognitive complexity of this task?

5.1. CREaTe level of Complexity:         Practicing, Investigating, and Integrating

5.1.1. Students practiced and learned how to make their presentations using Prezi. Students also Investigated and debated which options for "going green" would be the most feasible and have the strongest impact. Students then integrate their results by meeting with the principal to select the best solution to implement in the school.

5.2. Bloom's taxonomy Level of Complexity:   Apply, Analyze, and Evaluating

5.2.1. Students identified a list of possible ways that the school could be more "green". Students Analyzed their results and debated which options would work best. Students then evaluated the results of their analysis and developed a presentation for the principal.

6. Bloom's Taxonomy