Reality Television

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Reality Television por Mind Map: Reality Television

1. Superficial Views

1.1. Womens & Mens Body Image

1.1.1. Project specifications

1.1.2. End User requirements

1.1.3. Action points sign-off

1.2. Unrealistic Expectations

1.3. Unhealthy & Irresponsible Behaviours

1.4. Giving the audience the message of an Unrealistic Lifestyle

2. Corrupting Society

2.1. How is Reality Television Corrupting Society?

2.2. Negative & Possitive Influences on Society

2.3. Stating ways reality television has corrupted the way we look at things .

3. Unethical

3.1. Something  morally incorrect

3.2. Defining the difference between Unethical & Ethinical

3.3. Fabricating Story lines

3.4. Encouraging Particular Behaviours & Conflicts

4. Programming

4.1. Impacts on Society

4.2. What can Programing do?

4.3. Messages Reality Shows sends to Audience

4.3.1. Whats "cool' and "Ucool'

4.3.2. How relationships should be

4.3.3. How to Judge

4.3.4. How to act

5. What is Reality Television?

5.1. Possitives & Negatives of Reality Television

5.2. Examples of Reality Television

5.3. Define the meaning of Reality Television

6. People and Relationships

6.1. Age Groups

6.1.1. Dependencies

6.1.2. Milestones

6.2. Cultures

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. Societys view on Relationships

6.3.1. Type of relationships

6.4. How does Reality Television effect People in Society today?

6.5. Peoples outlook on Life