1. Animal rights: the idea that all animals have possession of their own lives such as, avoiding suffering and being mistreated.
2. I don't think it is necessary to go as far as PETA, but you should have to pay the consequences for animal cruelty/abuse
3. Testing on animals is cruel
4. I believe people who abuse animals should be treated as if they are criminals.
4.1. Current punishment: misdemeanor, fine up to $1000, and up to one year imprisonment. Punishment for extreme cases: 4th degree felony, fine up to $5000, and up to 18 months imprisonment.
4.2. Punishment of my opinion: I believe that if you abuse or torture an animal, then you should be abused or tortured on top of a fine and imprisonment.
5. Passive animal abuse: neglecting and not taking care of your animals.
5.1. Neglecting and not taking care of your animal