Prepositions in phrases describing trends

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Prepositions in phrases describing trends por Mind Map: Prepositions in phrases describing trends

1. The level something                reached

1.1. verb + to:

1.1.1. The number rose to 21,000

2. What has changed

2.1. noun + in:

2.1.1. There has  been a rise in the amount of money spend on advertising.

3. How much something            changed

3.1. noun + of:

3.1.1. There has been an increase of 25%

3.2. verb + by:

3.2.1. The number of applicants fell by 30.

3.3. noun + from ... to:

3.3.1. Our spending rose from $50,000 to $75,000.

4. Express a level

4.1. verb + at:

4.1.1. In January, the price stood at $13.50.