Chapter 16: Static Electricity. Vasin 4S3 (28)

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Chapter 16: Static Electricity. Vasin 4S3 (28) by Mind Map: Chapter 16: Static Electricity. Vasin 4S3 (28)

1. charge

1.1. positive

1.2. negative

1.3. unit

1.3.1. coulomb (C)

1.4. law of charges

1.4.1. like charges repel

1.4.2. unlike charges attract

2. charging

2.1. rubbing

2.1.1. charge transfered from object to object

2.2. induction

2.2.1. can be repeated many times without loss of charge

2.2.2. earthing process electron flows between the earth and the object

3. electric field

3.1. a region which electric charge experiences a force

3.2. positive goes outward

3.3. negative goes inward

4. hazard and application of electrostatics

4.1. photocopier

4.2. laser printer