Krashen 5 principles on Language Acquisition

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Krashen 5 principles on Language Acquisition by Mind Map: Krashen 5 principles on Language Acquisition

1. Language Acquisition is a subconcious process

2. Natural Order

2.1. We acquire language on a predictable order

2.2. The natural order cannot be change

2.3. It is inmune to deliberate teaching

2.4. There are 4 stages of language acquisition

2.4.1. Preproduction Stage ( aka Silent Period)

2.4.2. The early producction stage

2.4.3. The speech emergency stage

2.4.4. The intermediate production stage

2.5. English

2.5.1. ING - Present and past progressive tenses

2.5.2. Plural

2.5.3. The conjugation of the verb to be

2.5.4. The irregular simple past verb tense

2.5.5. Articles

2.5.6. The regular simple past tense of the verb

2.5.7. The simple presente tense verb, regular form

2.5.8. The possesive case

3. Monitor Hypothesis

3.1. By learning grammar you will develop a monitor or editor

3.2. That monitor however has a low contribution to language accuracy, most of it will come from input

3.3. 3 levels of users

3.3.1. Overusers

3.3.2. Underusers

3.3.3. Optimal users

4. Input Hypothesis

4.1. Talking is not practicing

4.2. There's not individual variation of the language acquisition process

4.3. We learn when we understand messages

5. 5. Affective Filters