1. Affective Filter - Influences that can prevent ELs from learning and comprehending the material being presented to them.
by Lacey Gehring
1. 5. Differentiated Instruction - Instruction that is custom-made for students based off of what they need most to succeed.
2. 6. Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) - WIDA standards that help teachers plan instruction that works best for students based on their level of proficiency (Wright, 2105).
3. 7. Scaffolding - Support or assistance to help a student within their ZPD and help learn new material and skills.
4. 8. Cooperative learning - Students learn through collaboration. This can happen in a number of different ways, but the goal is to work together to complete an assignment.
5. 9. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) – This is a students’ everyday vocabulary. BICS is more conversational skills.
6. 10. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) – This is a students’ content vocabulary.
7. 11. Formative Assessments - This type of assessment provides information to a teacher about how students are doing. This can be formal or informal.
8. 12. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) model - This model helps guide teachers to plan sheltered instruction lessons that will help ELs. It has eight key components (Wright, 2015).
9. 13. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - a space described by Vygotsky where students can learn, through the help of someone else.
10. 4. Language Objectives - Objectives used in content area to help ELs understand the vocabulary for the lesson (Wright, 2015). These are needed to help students communicate what they are learning.
11. • Language Objectives and Differentiated Instruction: By providing language objectives for ELs, teachers help individualize the instruction of students and reach all levels.
12. • Differentiated Instruction and MPIs: Through the use of MPIs teachers can see how they need to alter lessons to reach ELs of all levels and help them.
13. • MPIs and Formative Assessment: By completing formative assessments, teachers can see where students fall in the MPIs, and help plan their next lessons accordingly.
14. • MPIs and Scaffolding: By looking at where students fall on the WIDA MPIs, teachers can see where the students most need scaffolding to help them reach concepts.
15. • ZPD and Scaffolding: ZPD is where the student is capable of reaching and the help provided by teachers or others is the scaffolding to get them there.
16. • Scaffolding and Cooperative Learning: By requiring students to work with each other and communicate in a meaningful way, teachers can provide help through the use of peers to assist ELs reach their goals.
17. • Cooperative Learning and Formative Assessments: Through observing ELs interactions in small group work, teachers can perform informal formative assessments and see how an EL is doing with their conversational English proficiency.
18. • Cooperative Learning and SIOP Model: Two of the components of the SIOP model require lessons utilize interaction and practice and application (Wright, 2015). Through cooperative learning students must not only interact with each other, but the practice and apply listening and speaking skills.
19. • Cooperative Learning and BICS: By having ELs participate in cooperative learning activities, teachers require them to practice speaking and listening to others. This type of communication is a part of conversational English and so it helps EL practice BICS.
20. • BICS and CALP: Before students are able to start communicating their content and academic knowledge they need to have basic conversational language.
21. 2. Input (Comprehension) Hypothesis - Students can only acquire language when they understand what is being presented to them.
22. 3. Sheltered Instruction – Content-area instruction provided in English that makes that material comprehensible to ELs and supports language development (Wright, 2015).
23. • Affective Filter and Input Hypothesis: If there are factors that are affecting a student and raising their affective filter, then they will not be able to comprehend the material and as a result will be unable to acquire language.
24. • Input Hypothesis and Sheltered Instruction: The goal of sheltered instruction is to help ELs learn material and support their language development (Wright, 2015). This cannot happen if the material being presented is not understandable to the students.
25. • Input Hypothesis and Language Objectives: For students to be able to comprehend what they are reading and hearing they need to have the vocabulary. Providing vocabulary objectives for a lesson gives ELs a better chance of acquiring the material in the lesson.
26. • Sheltered Instruction and Language Objectives: By providing language objectives students are able to more easily communicate with others to complete tasks in the classroom. Communication with others helps support language development.
27. • SIOP Model and Sheltered Instruction: To effectively use sheltered instruction, teachers should be completing all the components in the SIOP model as part of their lesson plan (Wright, 2016).