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The Internet and World Wide Web by Mind Map: The Internet and World Wide Web

1. The Internet

2. The World Wide Web

2.1. A Web browser

2.2. A web browser displays

2.3. Downloading

2.4. Tabbed browsing

2.5. Web address

2.6. Search engine,search box

2.7. Web Applicarion,New,Wiki,Educarional

2.8. Blog , Business/Maketing , Plug-in

2.9. A graphic , Multimedia , Animation

2.10. Purchase and Download Musrc using iTunes

2.11. Audeo Streaming , video consists,Virtual realety(VR) three-dimensional space

2.12. Web publishing

3. Netiquette

4. Objectives Overview

5. Evolution of the Internet

6. Video:Tell Your Stories via Vlog

7. E-commerce

7.1. M-commerde identifies e-commerce that tades place using mobile devices

7.2. Business to consucer(B2C)

7.3. Business to business(B2B)

7.4. Consumer to conesmer(C2C)

8. Other Internet Services

8.1. E-mail

8.2. An e-mail program

8.3. E-mail Message May

8.4. A mailing list

8.4.1. Subscribing

8.4.2. Unsubscribing

8.5. A chat ,A chat room

8.6. Instant messaging(IM)

8.7. VoIP(Voice over IP)

8.8. A newsgroup,A message board

8.9. FTP(File Transfer Protocol)