1. William and Mary
1.1. Reign: Start 1688
1.1.1. Glorious Revolution Brought Parliament to rule Facilitate transition into constitutional monarchy
1.2. King/Queen of England (Great Britain)
1.3. Conditions of rule
1.3.1. English bill of rights
1.3.2. Heirs not inherit throne
1.4. More democractically based society
1.4.1. More intellectual output Lead to ideas of Newton + Locke
2. Louis XIV
2.1. Reign: 1643-1715
2.2. King of France
2.3. Archetype of Absolutism
2.3.1. Creates stability
2.3.2. Consolidates absolute rule
2.4. Embraced the Scientific Revolution
2.4.1. Embraced early stages of Enlightenment Saw as a way to increase power of state Become better at collecting taxes
3. Peter the Great
3.1. Reign: 1682-1725
3.2. Tzar of Russia
3.2.1. Start of Romanov Dynasty
3.3. Russia falling behind
3.3.1. Extremely agriculturally based
3.3.2. Large serf class
3.3.3. Nobility (Boyors) had great power
3.4. Goal: Westernize Russia
3.4.1. Faced noble resistance
3.4.2. Found St. Petersburg as a gateway to the west
3.4.3. Hoped to attract Western thinkers/philosophers Invited them to Russia
3.4.4. Ideas dominate Russia culture/politics for a long time
4. Definition
4.1. Leaders who pursued reforms inspired by Enlightenment
4.1.1. Desire subjects wellbeing
4.1.2. Work for the "common good"
5. Frederick II
5.1. Reign: 1740-1786
5.2. Frederick the Great (of Prussia)
5.3. "Servant of the state"
5.3.1. Reduced torture
5.3.2. Allow free press
5.3.3. Tolerate religious differences Welcomed victims of religious prosecution
5.3.4. Make govt. more efficient/modern Simplified laws Reorganized civil service
5.4. Spread Enlightenment ideas
5.4.1. Praised Voltaire
5.4.2. Invited intellectuals to Prussia
6. Catherine II
6.1. Reign: 1762-1796
6.2. Empress of Russia
6.3. Catherine the Great
6.4. Spread Enlightenment ideas
6.4.1. Read work of philosophes
6.4.2. Praised Voltaire
6.4.3. Exchanged letters with Diderot and Voltaire
6.4.4. Believed in Enlightened equality/liberty
6.5. Limited reforms
6.5.1. Abolished torture
6.5.2. Established religious tolerance
6.5.3. Granted a charter of rights
6.5.4. Criticized serfdom
7. Joseph II
7.1. Reign: 1765-1790
7.2. Holy Roman Emperor of Austria
7.3. Continued the work of his mother (Maria Theresa)
7.4. More radicial despot
7.4.1. Disguised as a peasant to learn his citizen's probelms