Thomas Jefferson
by alyssa tafolla
1. : Birthplace
1.1. April 13, 1743 in Albermarle County, Virginia
2. : Term as President
2.1. 1801-1809
3. :Career
3.1. Law, Politician, Statesman
4. :Major Events that happened around him
4.1. Barbary Wars (1801-5)
4.2. Louisiana Purchase made (1803).
4.3. drafted the Declaration of Independence
5. Family:
5.1. married to Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
6. Politicial Party:
6.1. Democratic-Republican
7. Lifespan:
7.1. 1743 - 1826
8. Greatest Accomplishments:
8.1. Member of Virginia House of Burgesses, 1769-74 Member of Continental Congress, 1775-76 Governor of Virginia, 1779-81 Member of Continental Congress, 1783-85 Minister to France, 1785-89 Secretary of State, 1790-93 (under Washington)
8.2. drafted the Declaration of Independence