1. Chapters
1.1. Chapter 2
1.1.1. Operations in Algebra
1.1.2. Real numbers and absolute values
1.1.3. Adding real numbers
1.1.4. multiplying and dividing real numbers.
1.2. Chapter 3
1.2.1. Equations
1.2.2. Solving my adding and subracting
1.2.3. solving two step equations
1.2.4. solving multi-step equations
1.2.5. using distributive property
1.3. Chapter 4
1.3.1. Proportional reasoning and statistics
1.3.2. Using proportional reasoning
1.3.3. percent problems
1.3.4. graphing data
1.4. Chapter 5
1.4.1. Linear functions
1.4.2. defining slope
1.4.3. rate of change and direct variation
1.4.4. the slope-intercept form
1.4.5. the standard and point slope form
1.4.6. parallel and perpendicular lines
1.5. Chapter 6
1.5.1. Inequalities and absolute value
1.5.2. Solving Inequalities
1.5.3. Multistep Inequalities
1.5.4. Absolute-value functions
1.6. Chapter 8
1.6.1. multiplying monomials
1.6.2. powers and products
1.6.3. dividing monomials
1.6.4. negative and zero exponents
1.6.5. Scientific notation
1.6.6. exponential functions
1.6.7. New node
1.7. Chapter 9
1.7.1. polynomials and factoring
1.7.2. adding and subtracting plynomials
1.7.3. polynomial multiplication
1.7.4. multiplying binomials
1.7.5. polynomial functions
1.7.6. common factors
1.7.7. factoring special polynomials
1.7.8. factoring quadratic trinomials
1.7.9. solving equations by factoring
1.8. Chapter 10
1.8.1. Solving equations by using square roots
1.8.2. completing the square
1.9. Chapter 11
1.9.1. Rational Functions
1.9.2. inverse variation
1.9.3. rational expressions and functions
1.9.4. simplifying rational expressions
1.9.5. solving rational equations
1.10. Chapter 12
1.10.1. Radicals, functions,coordinate geometry
1.10.2. operations with radicals
1.10.3. square-root functions and radical equations
1.10.4. the pythagorean thereom
1.11. Chapter 13
1.11.1. Probabilty
1.11.2. theoretical probability
1.11.3. we just started this chapter, we have not completed the rest yet.
2. Projects
2.1. Hockey Stats
2.1.1. Mean
2.1.2. Median
2.1.3. Mode
2.1.4. Range
2.1.5. Graphs Pie Graph Bar Graph Line Graph Histogram Box And Wisker