Veteran Charity Compare

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Veteran Charity Compare by Mind Map: Veteran Charity Compare

1. Home

1.1. General history and information of United States veteran charities and organizations dedicated to helping veterans.

1.1.1. Infographics: I will make a video that shows a brief history of the help veterans have gotten since the United States was established and how it has evolved and progressed. Also, showing why they still need our help even though it has gotten better.

1.1.2. Photo Editing: I will use photo editing to provide pictures of some veterans both older and younger.

1.1.3. Logo: I will create a logo that will be on every page.

2. Donate

2.1. I will provide links to the corresponding websites to veteran charities/organizations.

2.1.1. Google Form: I will create a google form so people can sign up and participate in local events dedicated to helping veterans.

3. Tagline/Mission Statement: Serving those who have served us.

4. Social

4.1. This page will be used to provide videos and pictures of people helping veterans, whether it be from events, charities, marathons, etc.

4.1.1. Videos/Animations: I will provide videos and pictures of the different organizations in action helping veterans, as well as regular citizens helping in their own way.

5. About

5.1. We provide the resources to help you which veteran charity/organization to donate to and how to be involved.

5.1.1. Graphic Design/QR Code: I will create a flyer with an overview of what this site is all about. Included in the flyer will the the QR code to take whoever scans it directly to the site.

5.1.2. Screencast: I will make a screencast to show the users how to navigate the site.

5.1.3. App Prototype: I will create an app prototype that will allow users to submit their own photos and videos to be considered for posting for the site. It will also allow users to submit links to smaller veteran charities that were not listed on the site for consideration to be added.

6. Contact

6.1. Here I will put my contact information as well as links to to contact pages of the different veteran organizations.

6.1.1. Social Media: I will provide links to each organizations Facebook page, as well as their actual site link.