ancient roman and greek history

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ancient roman and greek history by Mind Map: ancient roman and greek history

1. schooling

1.1. roman schooling for the poor was bad but they still could read and write.

1.2. schooling for the rich was good the kids had private tutors or went to what we now no as school

1.3. roman schools were based on fears if a student did the slightest thing wrong he would be beaten or whipped. roman schooling was often long students would wake as soon as the sun rose then be sent home to go right to bed only get lunch for a break.

1.4. greek children that were poor couldn't go to school because there parents didn't have very much money to pay the teachers.

1.5. greek schools were usually small only 1 teacher and about 20 or 25 kids. there were no desk and kids went to school from age 7 to 13

2. art

2.1. greeks made the parthenon for there goddess athena

2.2. roman art focused on realism and greek art focused on idealism

2.3. romans learned about art and sculpting from the greeks so some of there works were similar.

2.4. greek art portrayed a god or athelete while romans used there art for decorations

2.5. romans were less imaginative than the greeks

3. military

3.1. roman military was the most succesful and powerful

3.2. roman military was stronger and had more discipline then other armies

3.3. poor roman soliders were infantry while the richer ones were calvery

3.4. there soldiers were citizens like farmers

3.5. they changed there strategy from the phalanx to the samnites

4. government

4.1. the ancient greeks used an oligarchy to rule there city states

4.2. the greeks had many diffrent city states were rome was just one big country

4.3. roman's had two political parties the plebeians and the patricians were the greek's didint have any political parties.

4.4. greece and rome both had elections every year in athens greece to get rid of a political party member you went to the public arena and put the name of the person you wanted out on a pot and they were kicked out of athens for 10 years.

4.5. women in greece had no rights at all while in rome they didnt have voting rights but they could influence there husband to vote for who they wanted.