Design Flow Chart

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Design Flow Chart by Mind Map: Design Flow Chart

1. Process

1.1. Designer

1.1.1. Develops Measured Drawings / Asbuilts

1.1.2. Develops Design Options

1.1.3. Preliminary Building Department Red Flags Considered.

1.2. Client

1.2.1. Research Fixtures and Appliances

1.3. Project Developer

1.3.1. Begin Specification

2. 1st Design Review

2.1. Designer

2.1.1. Presents Design Option Plans and 3D Walkthrough.

2.1.2. Structure Integration and Building Department Requirements Discussed.

2.2. Client

2.2.1. Refines Preferences

2.3. Project Developer

2.3.1. Structural Integration Alternates Discussed

2.3.2. Budget Targets Reviewed

3. Process

3.1. Designer

3.1.1. Revise Chosen Design

3.1.2. Continue Site and Structural Research to Avoid Costly Complications. May Need Full Survey to Determine Addition Size and Setback. Also if Building on Slope or Sensitive Areas a Geotech May Be Required for City Approval.

3.2. Client

3.2.1. Visit Showrooms

3.2.2. Refine Fixture & Appliance types and Sizes

3.3. Project Developer

3.3.1. Track Progress and Costs

4. Preliminary Estimate Plans

4.1. Designer

4.1.1. Integrates Changes and Detailed Specifications, Produces Preliminary Plans for Project Developer Estimate, May Include: Site Plan and Area Analysis Floor Plans & Sq. Footage Elevation Crossection Foundation Plan Door, Window, Cabinet & Electrical Schedules Structural and Integration Anomalies Noted.

4.2. Client

4.2.1. Product Selections Well Defined

4.3. Project Developer

4.3.1. Produces Preliminary Estimate

5. Start Permit Drawings

5.1. Designer

5.1.1. Updates Drawings Based on Final Decisions Final Plan Sets Sent to Engineer and/or Geotech When Necessary.

5.1.2. Concept Drawings Developed into Permit Drawings:

5.2. Client / Project Developer

5.2.1. Final Pricing

5.2.2. Construction Schedule

5.2.3. Permit Application

6. Construction Agreement Meeting

6.1. Client / Project Developer

6.1.1. Review Construction Contracts

6.1.2. Sign Construction Agreement

7. Letter of Intent

7.1. Client / Project Developer

7.1.1. Review Specifications & Drawings

7.1.2. Update Price Range

7.1.3. Sign Letter of Intent

8. Preliminary Estimate Meeting

8.1. Client / Project Developer

8.1.1. Review Specifications and Design

8.1.2. Preliminary Price Range Approval

9. 1st Design Meeting

9.1. Designer/Client

9.2. Discuss Goals / Share Ideas

9.3. Measure and Assess House & Site

9.4. Consider Budget

9.5. Start Client Idea Book

10. 2nd Design Review

10.1. Designer

10.1.1. Presents Refined Plans and 3D Walkthrough

10.1.2. Refine Site and Structural Considerations.

10.2. Client

10.2.1. Feedback & Refinement

10.3. Project Developer

10.3.1. Track Progress & Costs

10.3.2. Cont. Budget Target Review