Thriller Films

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Thriller Films by Mind Map: Thriller Films

1. Themes

1.1. Kidnapping

1.1.1. e.g Ransom

1.2. Revenge

1.2.1. e.g Law Abiding Citizen

1.3. Stalking

1.3.1. e.g Fatal Attraction

1.4. Heists

1.5. Cons

1.6. Murder

1.7. Violence

1.8. Espionage

1.9. Obsession

1.9.1. e.g Single White Female

1.10. Mental health issues

2. Characters

2.1. Hero

2.2. Victim

2.3. Police

2.4. Gangs

2.5. Princess

2.6. Murderer

2.7. Stalker

2.8. Thief

3. Setting

3.1. Cities

3.2. Suburbia

3.3. Small towns

3.4. Forests

3.5. International cities

4. Note: the majority of thrillers do not have strong female leads who are seen as something other than the victim

4.1. This is why although our main character is the victim, we have still represented her as strong and capable - attempting to save herself instead of relying on a man

5. Sub genres

5.1. Crime

5.1.1. e.g Se73n

5.2. Pyschological

5.2.1. e.g Shutter Isand

5.3. Action

5.4. Erotic

5.5. Horror

5.6. Mystery

6. Note: There is typically crossover with sub genres e.g P2 is a horror psychological thriller

7. Iconography

7.1. Shadows

7.2. Guns

7.3. Low-key lighting

7.3.1. e.g Se7en

7.4. Knives

7.5. Woods

7.6. Confined spaces

7.7. Old fashioned lights

8. Note: whilst we have gone for themes that include stalking and obsession, we have stayed away from making our film an erotic thriller, which is more typical for films that include these themes.

8.1. We did this to try and bring something slightly different to the genre and hopefully add to it