1. Summary
1.1. Cory is a 10 year old student in his eleventh school and currently sits in a split grade 3/4 class. In earlier years, Cory's parents were separated and in a constant fight over visitation and custody rights. He was abducted by his father, returned and spent months in a foster home. He suffers from slight hearing loss and is taking TB medication. Cory's reading, writing, and language skills are inconsistent with students in his grade level. Cory was identified as having a learning disability by a social worker. The school strongly disagrees with this and believe there are alternate solutions.
2. Principal (Mr. Lomas)
2.1. This is a very serious case. If the wrong actions are taken, the student's entire educational future could be in jeopardy. I am strongly opposed to identifying Cory as learning disabled. I believe categorizing him this way will only slow down his learning and add another drastic change in Cory's life. I see Cory as having a Developmental Disability. He has slow intellectual development which could be caused by his traumatic past. Some of the characteristics Cory shows of DD are: limited communication skills, requires guidance and redirection for self-regulation, and requires close supervision. Cory would profit from a special education program that would be designed for his specific needs. These classes help students with moderate to severe intellectual delay. I would highly recommend this to the IPRC.
3. Teacher (Andrew)
3.1. What Cory needs is structure. Although he is significantly behind his peers, I feel a combination of engaging drill and repetition style learning, and the proper structure in his direct learning environment will help him settle in a comfortable classroom routine where he can find some success. We will plan a strict schedule that he will follow and reduce the number of choices he will have to make in day so that he can focus on his attentions on the learning task. Finding the right balance that will work for Cory will be a struggle, but I am confident and feel that with a positive attitude toward the situation, a little planning and some much needed structure added to what has been a chaotic life so far, we can get Cory the help he needs and get him back on track and succeeding at school.
4. Teacher (Tyler)
4.1. As one of Cory's teachers, I am deeply saddened by his situation and I feel that although Cory needs structure and routine, he is also in dire need of someone to take the time to create a meaningful and strong relationship with him. With extra time and assistance I believe that Cory will be able to achieve great academic success and this may include the use of some assistive technology as well as some teaching strategies to suit his needs, but above all the most important strategy will be to provide Cory with empathy, understanding and positive feedback throughout his school career in order to build is confidence and allow him to succeed. Situations like theses are all too common and it is our duty as teachers to acknowledge and develop proper guidance for students like this as well as any student that might be struggling in school or at home, we need to act swiftly and compassionately to make sure that all students have the best chance at success.
5. Father
5.1. before leaving Canada
5.2. abroad
5.3. after returning to Canada
6. Children's Aid Society (CAS)
6.1. foster parents
6.1.1. Cory's 6-month placement
7. Stakeholder perspectives
7.1. How might you be feeling?
7.2. How might you respond or behave?
7.3. What strategies or approaches would you propose?
7.4. What might be your plan of action or proposed solution?
8. Socialworker
8.1. Cory has a LD
9. Parent - Mother
9.1. Before moving to South Amercia
9.2. After moving to South America
10. Student with exceptionality (Lucas)
10.1. As a 9 year old boy I should be able to read and write and do simple mathematics. I should be able to play with friends and have special moments with my parents. However, there have been significant limitations on my learning and speech development. Moving around a lot has made it hard to make friends and have stability in my life. I’m in my 11th school before I’m 10! This makes me sad, lonely, and separated. What I need is an environment that will love and support me as well as take the time to help and encourage me to develop the skills I need to get back to the education level that I should be at. I, like all kids, need structure. I would get involved in the community, whether I join a church, club, and or volunteer for an organization. This may help me work on my shyness (and I may find other kids with common interests); hopefully my self-confidence will improve then too! Joining an extra-curricular club, like a book club or writers club, would help me work on reading and writing strategies in a fun environment. Getting the basic fundamental tools for learning is essential for me in progressing through school. Access to accommodations in the classroom would help with my learning, although I’m not officially identified, but I know that teachers are able to help me by assisting me develop strategies, chunk my work and put me up at the front of the class so I can hear better. I might appear like I’m not listening, but due to my hearing loss, sometimes I cannot hear everything that is going on. Also, at the front I will have fewer distractions to look at and I will be able to focus on learning. Having extra time to complete homework and assignments, as well as having the assignments and lessons on line would help. With the use of technology, I would even be able to use a program that could read out loud for me (like Read and Write). I would be able to review on my own time, at my speed and get caught up as needed. With your support, I feel that I will be able to achieve success!
11. Deconstruct and Interpret The Issue
11.1. Learning Disability
11.1.1. Characteristics Processing Language (receptive, expressive, body) • The English Language is a Factor • Are We on the Same Wave Length? • Problems Remembering • Poor Executive Function (aka ‘Metacognition) • Difficulties With Sequence and Order • Satisfaction With a Peripheral Understanding • Poor Time Management • Inconsistent and Episodic • Difficulty Paying Attention • Low Self Esteem slide 7
11.1.2. Definition: this could be identified as a learning disability by... see slide 5
11.1.3. LD issues outside school
11.1.4. Associations LD Association of Canada http://www.ldac-acta.ca LD Association of Ontario http://www.ldao.ca
11.2. Related Exceptionalities
11.2.1. DD
11.2.2. MID Related Strategies for MID, DD (from: week 3, module 1, slide 20) Importance of Positive Attitude Collaborative Approach Teamwork Structure Drill, Practice, & Repetition Momentum Technology
11.2.3. Giftedness Related programming and strategies ▶ Gifted Self-Contained ▶ Enrichment Classroom ▶ Regular Classroom o Create a flexible atmosphere o Encourage risk taking o Provide multiple opportunities for input and output o Encourage students to learn about their areas of strength slide 15
11.3. Management
11.3.1. Strategic Policy special education policies Revised PPM 8: Identification of and Program Planning for Students with Learning Disabilities http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/extra/eng/ppm/ppm8.pdf
11.3.2. Classroom Strategies from week 3, module 1, slide 8, URL is missing cognitive constructivism Sternberg Resource rooms early diagnosis UDL DI differentiated instruction EA scaffolding Assistive Technologies from week 3, module 1, slide 10 Text-to-speach Speach-to-text Organization Keyboarding Lesson Plans Considerations for Lessoning Planning for a Student with LD https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz-l8XOwRTxba1BGWl9DZnBjVGc/view From Bennett et al., p 109+ Empathy and understanding Positive, frequent feedback Consistent, systematic approach Graphical and visual support Help in sequencing Help in dealing with print Awareness of time constraints "Staying-on-top of things" Making allowances for skills students with LDs never master; i.e. spelling Simplifying the environment Memory assists Self-monitoring Hope and optimism From Santrock et al., see Ch. 6
11.4. Student Diagnosis
11.4.1. assessment
11.4.2. IEP
11.4.3. child development