Ch. 10: Organizing for International Marketing

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Ch. 10: Organizing for International Marketing by Mind Map: Ch. 10: Organizing for International Marketing

1. 5 basic organizational structures:

1.1. Customer

1.2. Function

1.3. Location

1.4. Product

1.5. Combination

2. How to implement organizational structures

2.1. Built-in export department

2.1.1. 1st phase of evolutionary process

2.1.2. no export dept. exists

2.2. Export department

2.2.1. can manage international sales up to 10-15% of total sales

2.3. International division

2.3.1. structure with international division in top level of organization

2.4. International headquarters company

2.4.1. international division is a separate company

2.5. Transnational company

2.5.1. considers no one country a domestic market

3. Implications of changing organizational structure

3.1. decentralized results

3.2. communications become complicated

3.3. duplication of efforts occur