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Phobias создатель Mind Map: Phobias

1. Statistics

1.1. 20% of phobias disappear by adult hood

1.2. Females are more prone to phobias than men

1.3. 1 in 23 people suffer from phobias

2. Types of phobias

2.1. Clowns

2.2. Heights

2.3. Water

2.4. feet

3. Interview

3.1. Mr. Minnick!

4. Parts of the brain

4.1. medulla

4.2. cerebellum

4.3. frontal lobe

4.4. temporal lobe

5. Why we are the way we are

5.1. Explain people themselves

5.2. Personallity

6. deffenitions

6.1. Phobias

6.1.1. Irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

6.2. Psychology

6.2.1. The science of the mind or of mental states and processes.