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Zarya-1: Landing by Mind Map: Zarya-1: Landing

1. Move On (take sample)

2. Path 1: Go around crater

3. Path 2: To the right (steep descent)

4. Path 3: To the left - climb down

5. Geo Lab with "brain"

6. Sarge falls down rocks

7. Large room with hatches (Rest 12hrs)

8. Follow cables right

9. Follow tunnel with light

10. Enter hatch

11. Cavern with black stuff

12. Shrine with pillars

13. Savvy electrifies pillar

14. Get out of there

15. Evac now!

16. Evacuate

17. Look for way around

18. Blow barrier

19. Go to Lander

20. Lander takes off

21. Chase shoots Bones


23. Bury him

24. Leave him

25. Sleds down slope to bottom of crater


27. Find artificial crater passage

28. Study sample (+bring sample)

29. Enter passage

30. Go to building: Zarya Odeen

31. Padlocked gate

32. Enter hatch to airlock

33. Backtrack to entrance?

34. Rail tunnel

35. Go left - Reactor

36. Go right - Med Bay

37. Rest 12hrs

38. Headshot scientist (Anton G.) Signal source - Last reboot 1991

39. Reboot reactor

40. Power control station

41. Sickbeds

42. Labs

43. Move on

44. Turn back

45. Dead end

46. Dead end #2

47. Walls move

48. Ice lake

49. Options?

50. What do you see?

51. Badly human?

52. Alien kneeling

53. Don't jump

54. What could it want?

55. Give sample

56. Covered corridor

57. Yellow door

58. Blow door

59. Savvy opens door

60. Enter metal corridor with welded door and Maintenance sign: 1991

61. Chase opens rusted door

62. Hangar with Buran

63. Elevator hatch to stairwell (rest 12hrs)

64. Food storage with blood trail

65. Follow blood trail

66. Look around

67. Cryo-coffin room

68. Power control station - lights on

69. Go down shaft from coffin room

70. Go back to food storage

71. Medical exam room

72. Go to worker quarters

73. Go to admission room

74. Try to go back?

75. Lights only

76. Blow submarine door

77. Kitchen

78. Ramps down to mess hall

79. Open Lounge area door

80. Open welded door

81. Bones on private channel

82. Enter Lounge (rest 12hrs)

83. Enter Admin. room (Gassed Control Center)

84. Chase shoots Sarge

85. What could it be?

86. Move it!

87. Get out of there!

88. What if its friendly?

89. Buggy ride

90. Contact museum (disassemble drives)

91. Put drives in storage compartment

92. What would have triggered it?

93. Liftoff