levels of police in canada

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levels of police in canada by Mind Map: levels of police in canada

1. provincial

1.1. policing municipalities

1.2. responding to police request

1.3. providing investigative services

1.4. providing trafic control

2. federal

2.1. custome and excise

2.2. drug inforcement

2.3. economic crime

2.4. federal policing

2.5. immigration

2.6. procedes of crime

2.7. criminal intel

2.8. internation liaison and protective service

3. municiple

3.1. presiving the peace

3.2. perventing crime form accuring

3.3. assisiting victims of crime

3.4. apprehending criminals

3.5. laying charges and partisipating in prosecutions

3.6. executing warrants

3.7. enforcing municipal bylaws

4. aborigonal

4.1. protect the aboriginal comunity

5. all over canada accept in ontario and quebec

5.1. New node

6. all over canada

7. there aborigonal communities

8. within town or city district

9. R.C.M.P

10. opp

11. barrie police

12. dakota ojibway police