Explorers and conquerors

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Explorers and conquerors by Mind Map: Explorers and conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. 1492

1.2. Spain

1.3. Killed natives in the New World

1.4. Searched for gold and spices

1.5. Looked for India

2. Spaniards

2.1. Conquered Central america and moved down

2.2. Aztec and inca were conquered

3. Hernan cortes

3.1. In mexico 1519-1521

3.2. Landed on Yucatan peninsula

3.3. Destroyed aztec capital (Tenochtitlan)

3.4. 1521-1524 governed in mexico

4. Francisco Pizarro

4.1. Began expedition from spain in 1509

4.2. Mayor and magistrate from 1519-1522

4.3. Was mayor in Panama city

4.4. Went to conquer peru in 1524 (failed)

4.5. Never successfully conquered peru

5. Vasco nunez de Balboa

5.1. Crossed Isthmus of Panama in 1513

5.2. Founded first permanent settlement on mainland (1510)

5.3. Became mayor of Santa maria

5.4. Had full authority when he became governor

5.5. Collected lots of gold

6. Pedro de alvarado

6.1. Considered the Conquistador of central America

6.2. Very cruel to the native populations

6.3. Joined the expedition with Hernan cortes

6.4. Participated in the siege of tenochtitlan

6.5. Sent to invade Guatemala in 1523