Factors that would Encourage More Participation from the Local Community/ Society (by Munira Iska...

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Factors that would Encourage More Participation from the Local Community/ Society (by Munira Iskandar 821294) af Mind Map: Factors that would Encourage More Participation from the Local Community/ Society (by Munira Iskandar 821294)

1. Positive Participation

1.1. Give rewards in the form of money/ lucky draw/ food during PIBG Meeting or Majlis Temu Murni

1.1.1. Parents come to PIBG Meeting and could plan the school activities together

1.1.2. Parents come to Majlis Temu Murni to discuss about their children progress

1.2. Invite influential person like celebrity or politician in school activities

1.2.1. Society participate in school activities

1.3. High educated parents

1.3.1. Volunteer to teach the students

1.4. High socio-economic status family

1.4.1. Give sponsor in term of money and foods

1.5. Organize school activities like camping, gotong-royong, majlis solat hajat

1.5.1. Parents will come to take part in the activities

1.6. Establish WhatsApp group that consist of parents and teachers

1.6.1. Easier for parents to contact teacher in order to share about their children problem or development at home

1.7. Plan the school activities early so that teachers could decide the date of the event and inform the parents earlier

1.7.1. Parents could plan early to attend school events and apply for annual leave

1.8. Organize workshop on parenting

1.8.1. This awareness will lead to better treatment towards their children

1.9. Organize seminar about health and nurition

1.9.1. This knowledge will be benefited by parents in preparing food for their children

1.10. Organize a family day

1.10.1. Strengthen the social bond between teachers, students and parents

1.11. Provide financial assistance to the needy students

1.11.1. Parents will have money to buy their children personal need like school bag, shoes and uniform

1.12. Invite parents to come to special event like Teacher' s Day/ Maulidurrasul in order to support their children who is going to perform on stage

1.12.1. Parents come to support their children

2. Negative Participation

2.1. Teacher punish students

2.1.1. Parents sue the teacher

2.2. Students do not perform in class

2.2.1. Parents blame the teacher

2.3. Students fight with friends at school

2.3.1. Parents complain about it to teachers

2.3.2. Parents come to school to scold their child's rival

2.4. Low socio-economic status

2.4.1. Parents do not want to pay when the school ask for money

2.5. Accident happen at school

2.5.1. Parents blame the teachers