New Online Instructors

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New Online Instructors af Mind Map: New Online Instructors

1. Thought patterns about online teaching

1.1. Is it real education?

1.2. Do you want to teach online?

1.3. Do you love technology?

1.4. Is it effective?

2. What are the tools of the trade?

2.1. Technology

2.2. LMS

2.3. Chat Rooms

2.4. Web Conferencing

2.5. Phone

2.6. Texting

2.7. Wikis

2.8. Mind Maps

2.9. email

2.10. Skype

2.11. Windows Live, Google collaboration spaces

3. Training Schedule

3.1. Commitment to New Teaching Paradigm

3.2. Technology skills inventory

3.3. Fill in the technology gaps

3.4. Access to technolgy

3.5. Group brainstorm on new section to create

3.6. First Task - Web Enhanced Face-to-Face Course

3.6.1. What components to use

3.6.2. Testing?

3.6.3. Discussions?

3.6.4. Digital Drop Boxes for Assignments?

3.6.5. Links for additional depth, or outside voices?

3.7. Second Task - Build Task One out into an online course

3.7.1. How to present material

3.7.2. Which tools keep you connected?

3.7.3. Which tools promote collaboration?

3.7.4. Which tools promote active learning?

3.7.5. Tools for giving prompt feedback.

3.7.6. Which tools will help students spend time on task?

3.7.7. How will you communicate High Expectations?

3.7.8. Which tools will you use to reach divers learning styles?

4. Personal

4.1. Satisfaction

4.2. Personal Awe at Technology

4.3. Viewing Students as Colleagues

5. Ensuring Quality Learning

6. 7 Principles in Higher Ed

6.1. Contact Between Faculty & Students

6.2. Cooperative Learning

6.3. Prompt Feedback

6.4. Active learning Techniques

6.5. Time on Task

6.6. Communicate High Expectations

6.7. Respect diverse talents and learning styles

7. Personal & Professional Experiences

8. Professional

8.1. Using new technologies to deliver the 7 principles defined in higher ed

8.2. Learning new software skills for use in curriculum design and development