Test of Time chapters 1-3

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Test of Time chapters 1-3 af Mind Map: Test of Time chapters 1-3

1. He is literary inclined like Mark twain.

2. Orlando Garcia Ortiz a.k.a big O

3. Setting in the 20 century. Student at Hadleyburg university. Tall and athletic, from Brownsville Texas. Class valedictorian and very smart. Good basketball player whom ambition to be a doctor poet like William Williams. Best friends with Hank and sharing a room together at the campus.

4. Henry loud Morgan a.k.a Hank

5. Angela Mc Guinn

6. Student at Hadleyburg University.He is a computer wizard and gifted in mathematics.From new England, industrious, diligent and pragmatic. He wants to be an engineer. Orlando's best friend in college. He like to play practical jokes and tricks Orlando all the time.He is the one to see the encrypted message in his computer "

7. She is Aimee roommate at Hadleyburg university. A excellent student, smart dedicated and ambitious. A woman that know's were is going and nothing will stand in her way. Best friends wit Aimee, Orlando and Hank. She is the great, great, great granddaughter of Mr.Guinn a black american hero.Role model at the university and pro-freedom writer.

8. Orlando, Hank, Aimee and Angela know their most embarrassing moment in life, they trust each other.

9. The "crazy dance" was a mix of african american steep dances: Juba and cakewalk. They had a series of boisterous moments that offend the white people at the party. Society was uncultivated and judgmental, considering the dance malevolent and vulgar. Sam appreciated their culture and the physical benefits of the dance, likewise his daughters and wife. Sam joke with George about how to fix his reputation after all the guest flea outraged from the dinner.

10. She play the piano and loves music like Mark Twain.

11. Sam Clemens a.k.a MarkTwain

12. Levy Clemens, Sussy,Clara,Jean

13. Aimee Gwendolyn Lee

14. George Griffin the buttler

15. She is a piano prodigy, the best in her family of musician.From San francisco. Since early age she plays piano and loves music. Knowledge in traditional and contemporary music, she is an avant-garde. She has a tranquil character and organized clean room that shares with Angela her best friend.

16. Warner T. McGuinn

17. First black law student at Yale in 1885. Strong and independent, hard working and dedicated. President of the debate club at Yale, were he meat Mark Twain. McGuinn eloquence impress Mr. Twain in such grand manner that he offer to pay McGuinn's bored. He becomes one of the most influential citizens of Baltimore, city council, founder of the local chapter of the NAACP and winner of a mayor civil wrights victory at court.

18. Strong headed man with a enigmatic, and peculiar personality.Great talent for story telling, with a ironic style perfect for entertainment. His temperament is unpredictable and bold. He grow up influenced by black culture and their dance. The story setting was back in 1883 during a evening dinner party with rich white folks whom did not understand his "crazy dance". He was writing Huckleberry Finn in 1883, a novel about slavery and abuse of the black race.He had an accident in his studio and woke up with a laptop in from of him, puzzled about the estrange machine and how it got there.

19. Loving wife (Levy) and daughters of Mark Twain. Supportive and united family. His daughters ask for the "crazy dance" on the evening of 1883.

20. Best friend of Mark Twain and devoted butler. There is a great deal of respect and appreciation from each side.