Hope Diamond's Curse

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Hope Diamond's Curse af Mind Map: Hope Diamond's Curse

1. The Owners

1.1. Jean-Baptise Travernier, the first thief to have stolen the gem. He soon died of a raging fever, and had his body ravaged by wolves.

1.1.1. King Louis XIV, the cause of the Hope Diamond's former name. His curse landed on his children who all died except for one. Nicholas Fouqet, worked for King Louis and had worn the diamond for a special occasion, he was banished from France and spent 15 years in prison. Marie-Louise, Marie-Antoinette's closest confidante, was murdered in a horrific way, (decapitated, stripped, disembowelled)

1.2. Simon Maoncharides, greek merchant owned the diamond. He drove over a cliff and killed himself, his wife and his child.

1.3. Evalyn Walsh Mclean, bought the hope diamond and happily wore it. Her curse was her husband getting killed after leaving her, her son dying at the age of 9 and her daughter at 25, Evalyn later on died also.

1.3.1. James Todd is the mailman that delivered the Hope Diamond to Harry Winston had a truck accident, suffered from head injury and his house burned down.

2. History

2.1. The Hope Diamond was originally found in India by a diamond merchant in the 17th century.

2.1.1. The diamond was unearthed in the Golconda mines by the Kistna River.

2.1.2. Hope Diamond made its debut in Europe in 1642, where it was sold to King Louis XIV. But was later on mauled to death by a pack of dogs.

2.2. Three years after the French Revolution, the blue diamond was stolen

2.2.1. In 1938, Henry Thomas Hope purchased the blue diamond, which is why the diamond is called Hope Diamond now.

3. Hope Diamond Today

3.1. The Hope Diamond is now a pendant on a diamond necklace, it has been this way since Evalyn Walsh Mclean purchased it.

3.2. Harry Winston then donated again the Hope Diamond to the Museum of Natural History in Washington DC and nothing bad has happened ever since.

3.3. The Hope Diamond may be currently in a Museum, but it's price still hasn't changed. The Hope Diamond is estimated to cost around 200 to 250 million USD.

4. The Hope Diamond

4.1. The Hope Diamond is a blue gem currently weighing 45.52 carat. The size of a walnut.

4.1.1. Was originally known The French Blue or The Blue Diamond of the Crown.

4.1.2. The Hope Diamond used to weigh around 112 3/16-carats. King Louis XIV bought the stone which was 62.75 at the time.

4.2. The diamond weighs now 19 grams, was cut and was before 23 grams.

5. The Curse

5.1. Some say a couple of priests in India have put a curse on whoever possesses the diamond a beheading misfortune, not only death.

5.2. It was said that only a person with a pure heart could escape the tragedy.

5.2.1. The curse then ended when a jeweller (Harry Winston) donated the diamond to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958