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My Network af Mind Map: My Network

1. My aunt - Sharon (works at the hospital so she could connect me with doctors & nurses)

1.1. Nurses and doctors in Kelowna could connect me to more experienced doctors and nurses.

2. My sister- Erin (works at a kickboxing gym so she could connect me with people that are involved in the health world)

2.1. Terri Dreger- A personal trainer/ owner of 30 Minute Hit Kelowna. She can help me if I'm interested in the health or fitness industry.

2.1.1. Terri could connect me to personal trainers all around Canada through the 30 Minute Hit business.

3. My sister - Natalie (works at the Hotel Eldorado, so she could connect me with people in the food industry or the hotel industry)

3.1. Kait Kilmartin- One of Natalie's close friends who works with her. She could connect me to others in the food industry.

4. My mom - Janet (she is a music teacher so she can connect me with other teachers that I could job shadow)

4.1. Mrs. Ito- Kindergarten teacher at Ellison elementary. My mom is friends with her, so she could set me up with a job shadow.

4.1.1. Mrs. Ito could connect me to principals and teachers all over, to help me get in touch with them to further my goal of becoming a teacher.

5. My dad- Gary (works at a church so he can connect me with ministry workers)

5.1. Lee Loveridge - Pastor at First Lutheran Church, he could connect me to other ministry workers around the country.