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New York City af Mind Map: New York City

1. City Name

1.1. The Big Apple

1.2. The City That Never Sleeps

1.3. Gotham

2. Famous New Yorkers

2.1. Humphrey Bogart

2.2. Billy Joel

2.3. Theodore Roosavelt

2.4. Barbara Streisand

2.5. Mickey Rooney

3. Transportation

3.1. New York Subway

3.2. Yellow Cabs

3.3. Amtrack

4. Boroughs

4.1. The Bronx

4.2. Brooklyn

4.3. Queens

4.4. Staten Island

5. Attractions

5.1. Times Square

5.2. Central Park

5.3. Ellis Island

5.4. Statue of Liberty

5.5. Empire State Building

5.6. Chrysler Building