Format of the Critical Review of "... "

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Format of the Critical Review of "... " af Mind Map: Format of  the Critical Review of "... "

1. A summary of the main points and the key supporting ideas in the article

2. Arranged alphabetical order

3. Support your explanation with evidence found in extra reading

4. Further elaborate why you disagree with this point

5. Introductory paragraph

6. Body paragraph 3

6.1. Introduce the first point you disagree with

7. Conclusion

7.1. Final thought on the subject matter

7.2. Restatement of all the main point and key supporting points in the 1st paragraph

8. References

9. Requirements

9.1. Spacing 1.5

9.1.1. Type written: Font size 12, Font style Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma

9.2. Should have a cover page: Title of the assignment, Prepared for, Prepared by, Date of Submission

10. Further elaborate why you agree with this point

11. Support your explanation with evidence you found from extra reading

12. Further elaborate why you agree with this point

13. Language and Grammar: 10 marks

14. Introduce the second point you agree with

15. Body paragraph 2

15.1. Support your explanation with evidence you found from extra reading

16. Body paragraph 1

16.1. Introduce the first point you agree with

17. Grading

17.1. Content: 10 marks

17.2. Referencing: 10 marks

17.3. Organisation: 10 marks