Extensive Reading

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Extensive Reading af Mind Map: Extensive Reading

1. Characteristics

1.1. read large amounts

1.2. students’ interest

1.3. a variety of materials

1.4. level of comprehension

1.5. post-reading activities

1.6. peer reading

1.7. student progress

1.8. help and guidance

2. Principles

2.1. Comprehensible Input

2.2. Quantity of input

2.3. Opportunities for learning

2.4. Maximising learning conditions

3. Practical Guidelines

3.1. A part of language course

3.2. Enough time

3.3. Two strands

3.3.1. Easy familiar texts

3.3.2. The right level

3.4. Fluency development strand

3.5. Dictionary look-up

3.6. Note unfamiliar words

3.7. Link some extensive skills

3.8. Training in the guessing

4. Role of teacher

4.1. Promote

4.2. Support

4.3. Persuade

5. Tasks

5.1. Book review

5.2. Write the most interesting/important

5.3. Read aloud

5.4. Role play the story

5.5. Design front and back covers for the book

5.6. Design a bookmark

5.7. Design a poster

5.8. Draw/use a map

5.9. Do a flow chart/story board

6. Definition

6.1. reading a lot

6.2. interesting reading

7. Benefits

7.1. Comprehension Skills

7.2. Automaticity

7.3. Background Knowledge

7.4. Vocabulary and Grammar Knowledge

7.5. Production Skills

7.6. Student Confidence and Motivation

7.7. Learned-centered

7.8. guessing the meaning of unknown words

7.9. interesting in reading materials

8. Importance

8.1. Development students’ word recognition

8.2. Improving as readers overall

9. Choosing sources

9.1. Asking

9.1.1. teacher

9.1.2. classmate

9.1.3. friends

9.1.4. Internet http://www.NYTimes.com

9.1.5. bookstore

9.1.6. Library

9.2. How to Choose

9.2.1. Interests

9.2.2. A full-length book

9.2.3. Evaluate Author Genre

9.2.4. Level of difficulty count the number of unknown

9.2.5. Sharing experience Benefits Improving reading comprehension Enjoyable How to share Book Conferences Reading Circles Book Presentations Book Response Form