The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

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The Internet and Effective Internet Searching af Mind Map: The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

1. Kids search

1.1. kidrex

1.2. kiddle

1.3. kid's search

1.4. kidsclick

2. Critical evaluation

2.1. critically evaluating webistes

2.2. Checklist for web resources

2.3. Who? What? Where? When? Why?

3. The Internet: How Search Works

4. Searching

4.1. The four NETS

4.1.1. start Narrow

4.1.2. find Exact phrases

4.1.3. Trim the url

4.1.4. look for Similar pages

4.2. Google scholar

4.3. Google advanced search

4.4. Search Engine Optimisation

5. The Internet

5.1. PCs, laptops

5.2. Tablets, phones

5.3. The Cloud

5.4. Wifi

5.5. Caching