Using the Internet responsibility, ethically and safely.

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Using the Internet responsibility, ethically and safely. af Mind Map: Using the Internet responsibility, ethically and safely.

1. Use privacy setting on personal information.

1.1. personal information icons

2. Use cation when talking to people you don't know.

2.1. The Noun Project

3. Maintain you privacy settings! Do not share personal information or any other private information.

3.1. Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online

4. Being able to identify scams and spams.

4.1. 'Perfect Flat Icons' by Aha-Soft

5. Give the author credit for the work you use.

6. Follow class rules when using technology and digital information.

7. Using apps that are safe. For example CoderDojo and Scratch.

7.1. CoderDojo – Enabling young people worldwide to create and explore technology together

8. Be careful when you download anything from the internet.

8.1. The Noun Project

9. Only access technology when you are suppose to.

9.1. Green Check Mark Icon. Tick Symbol In Green Color. Vector Illustration Stock Vector - Illustration of checkmark, checklist: 94365656

10. Use correct online etiquette.

11. Cross reference all information, don't just take their word for it.

12. Determine if online information is credible or not.

12.1. The Noun Project

13. Recognise ownership over their own digital work.

14. Identify how ICT is used in multiple ways on multiple devices.

14.1. Designing Apps For Multiple Devices | ChaiOne

15. Make sure internet connection is secure.

16. Choose strong passwords, that other will not be able to guess.
