Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely.

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Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely. af Mind Map: Using the internet responsibly, ethically and safely.

1. How can we prevent these dangers?

1.1. By educating students, being aware of what websites we visit, and monitoring what websites children use, we can as a collective reduce the threats and dangers that the internet poses to students and children.

2. Being responsible online

2.1. Teaching our students and children to be safe online is crucial in the modern era. So we must teach them responsible use of the internet, and how they can stay safe whilst still using on of humanities greatest technological achievements.

3. Responsible internet use

3.1. As teachers we need to teach our students and our children, how they can be safe on the internet. This includes monitoring what they put on social media, and what websites they can use for information safely. This can make sure they are safe online and that they don't regret or get into trouble with anything they post or view on the internet.

4. How can assess if we are being safe on the internet?

4.1. By monitoring what we click on and post online. This includes everything from photos, to government websites, to simple google searches. By monitoring our use of the internet we can be responsible and reduce our risk and the potential dangers the internet poses.

5. What is the internet?

5.1. The internet is a global resource that allows us to search for news, music, videos, educational resources, and to connect with other people worldwide.

6. What are the dangers of the internet?

6.1. The internet poses many dangers that students are not always aware of. These dangers range from spam mail, to viruses, to hackers and even online predators/ cyberbullies.

7. The Dangers of the internet:

8. How can these dangers pose a threat to students:

8.1. Students, especially teenagers, have a large digital footprint, revolving around social media. This leaves them vulnerable to online threats and predators, especially cyber-bullying from peers.