Using the internet ethically, responsibly and safely

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Using the internet ethically, responsibly and safely af Mind Map: Using the internet ethically, responsibly and safely

1. Responsibly

1.1. No mobile phones in class

1.2. Treat the internet as a tool, not a toy

1.3. Don't use the internet for games during class

1.4. Always log in with your own details and not for a friend

1.5. Double check the recipients of e-mails, messages and other transmissions of information

1.6. Remember to charge your device before school


2.1. Ask a parent or teacher before using a website

2.2. Don't talk to strangers

2.3. Don't click on links in spam emails

2.4. Never give out personal information unless approved by teacher or parent

2.5. Don't post personal photos

2.6. Make sure you log out when you are done

2.7. Change passwords regularly

3. Ethically

3.1. Always give credit where needed

3.2. Check the legitimacy of websites

3.3. Make sure you put information into your own words

3.4. Never use the internet to access illegal material or material that would break school rules

3.5. Only print what you need

3.6. Only ever say positive things about people or places on the internet