ESG Subsidy

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ESG Subsidy af Mind Map: ESG Subsidy

1. Look at biodegradable - partner with packaging manufacturer to investigate/develop.

2. Reduce usage of single use plastic bags

3. Planet

3.1. Solar Panels / clean energy

3.2. Reduce plastics in supply chain - project.

3.2.1. Reduction of tertiary packaging plastics

3.2.2. Reduction of primary packaging plastics

3.3. Biomass heating from oil

3.4. Bio diesel from waste fryer oil

3.5. Invest in electric fork lifts

3.6. Water- usage is very high - can we reduce?

3.6.1. Water treatment facility (reuse cleandown water)

3.6.2. Collection of rain water

3.7. Air source heat pumps - for heating

3.8. Project to reduce paper output across business

3.8.1. CSB

3.8.2. Paperless business Technology investment to reduce paper use. - touch screens / dual monitors / IT Training

3.9. Project on where our veg comes from!

4. Prize: €50k - €350k pa for 3 years

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. Apple - Renewable Energy

4.1.2. Unilever - Sugar/salt reduction, Nutritional Improvement

4.1.3. TOMs shoes Product giveaway Health initiatives Sight Safe Birth Safe water Youth Programmes Volunteering

4.1.4. LONG TERM

4.1.5. Sustainable

5. People

5.1. Local farmer outreach

5.1.1. Support "We know our veg" message with sustainable agriculture

5.1.2. Carbon footprinting - reducing food miles

5.2. Local community involvement

5.2.1. Use old packaging to do collage days with schools

5.2.2. Talk about food manufacturing and responsible food use

5.2.3. Create allotment area to help children be educated on how to grow food / where food comes from

5.2.4. Teach diasdvantaged / inner city / children where things come from.

5.2.5. Sam's workplace in Rainworth (idea)

6. Local Community Project / Resource and Education Centre

6.1. Educate children in being responsible consumers and producers of food

6.2. Supplement "Home Economics" curriculum (or lack of it)

6.2.1. teach cooking, growing, harvesting, processing food, etc. QUALIFICATIONS! - something tangible to take-away

6.3. Sensory garden

6.4. Allotment

6.5. Animal care (rabbits / chickens)

6.6. Kitchen

6.7. Cafe

6.8. Craft Areas

6.9. Manufacturing tour / pilot plant planning

6.10. Would need research and scoping for development of concept

6.11. Invite schools and local organisations to take part in programme of activities

6.12. Add in environmental message - Energy saving, water usage, waste management

6.13. Sustainable building - self-sufficient for power if possible

6.13.1. look at self-sufficient model for centre.

6.14. Personnel commitment - staff to volunteer time to work with project.