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William Hung af Mind Map: William Hung

1. Background

1.1. Shy, Introvert, Asian

1.2. Not being self-aware

2. Amanda Tsang

2.1. Background

2.1.1. Smart, hard-working and well established

2.1.2. Asian-American

2.1.3. Newly joined mentee

2.1.4. A pushover

3. American Idol Audition

3.1. Awful rendition of Ricky Martin song

3.2. Embarrassing dance moves

3.3. Heaviest Chinese accent ever on American television

4. Sophie Chan

4.1. Background

4.1.1. Asian-American

4.2. American Idol Audition

4.2.1. Felt helpless and mortified for exploiting Asians for entertainment value

4.2.2. Conflicting opinions

4.2.3. Racisim

4.2.4. Ego is bruised

4.3. Leadership challenges

4.3.1. Am I not empowered as a leader in multi cultural environment

4.3.2. What could i learn myself from this situation?