Other Topics

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Other Topics af Mind Map: Other Topics

1. Flowers

1.1. flower's sweetness fills

1.2. ocean of white blossom

1.3. release pleasant subtle fragrance

1.4. something comes into flowers

2. Weather

2.1. boiling hot weather

2.2. drizzle

2.3. humid

2.4. chilly

2.5. sweat like a pig/hot like in a sauna

2.6. scorching hot

2.7. torrential rain

2.8. outbreaks of rain

3. Environmental problems

3.1. water pollution/contamination

3.2. noise pollution

3.3. culprit

3.4. to be dumped into/discharged

3.5. deadly pollutants

4. Animal (Turtles)

4.1. glide through water

4.2. withdraw into their shells

4.3. wrinkled appearance

4.4. sturdiness

4.5. long lifespan

4.6. symbol of longevity and stability

4.7. requirement for preservation