IA maturity diagnostics

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IA maturity diagnostics af Mind Map: IA maturity diagnostics

1. collaboration

1.1. communities of practice

1.1.1. network of experts

1.2. teams

1.3. workflow


1.5. evaluation

2. governance

2.1. administration

2.2. governance board

2.3. terms of use

2.4. attribution of rights

2.5. roles

3. change management

3.1. communications

3.2. training

3.3. managerial

4. unstructured content

4.1. forums

4.2. chat

4.3. videos

5. context

5.1. mission statement of unit / internal / external

5.2. team structure

5.3. roles

5.4. needs regarding information management

5.4.1. internally

5.4.2. externally

5.5. who are major stakeholders with information management currently?

6. document storage platforms

6.1. servers

6.2. UX interface

6.3. user-tests

6.4. search engine

6.4.1. full text search

6.5. tree-structure

6.5.1. card-sorting

6.5.2. tree-testing

6.6. supported file formats

6.7. tagging

6.7.1. tagging plan

7. alternative document storage

7.1. attachments

7.1.1. chat

7.1.2. e-mails

7.1.3. other solutions eg. asana

7.2. "inofficiel" solutions

7.2.1. dropbox etc.

7.2.2. harddrives

8. documents

8.1. naming convention

8.2. properties

8.3. managed/unmanaged

8.4. formats

8.5. number, volume

8.6. life-cycle management

8.6.1. archiving

8.6.2. deletion

9. solution gap

9.1. what is not well covered by current solution?

9.2. what works perfectly and should not be touched?