Approaches To Learning

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Approaches To Learning af Mind Map: Approaches To Learning

1. Teachers should collaboratively plan personalized, authentic learning experiences throughout the curriculum to enable students of all ages to develop Approaches to Learning both inside and out of the PYP by modeling, scaffolding, and incorporating varies strategies.

2. ATL promote student agency, goal setting, inquiry, critical thinking, reflection, and action. The student is eager to learn intrinsically and sharing and working collaboratively with others.

3. ATL should connect and support the Learner Profile attributes.

4. Embed the ATL implicitly in the classroom culture

5. Establish the ATL explicitly through an inquiry.

6. Foster the ATL development.

7. It is integral for students to LEARN how to learn according to the Approaches to Learning philosophy.

8. There are five categories of interrelated skills and sub-skills that are embedded allowing students to become self-regulated learners.

9. ATL support and foster individual strengths and are developmentally appropriate.