7 Functions of Marketing for Hydro Flask

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7 Functions of Marketing for Hydro Flask af Mind Map: 7 Functions of Marketing for Hydro Flask

1. The company sends emails after you have received the product to ask for input. They can also have surveys to complete after making a purchase in the store. Ads from the company show up on Instagram, Facebook, and twitter and I have seen hydro flasks on pinterest as well. I would ask customers what colors/designs they want for other bottles, if they want different sizes, and other products the company could make.

2. Product/Service Management

2.1. Hydro Flask offers wide and standard mouth water bottles, coffee/food flasks, and brand clothing. 3 years ago, Hydro updated their logo to make it more appealing to their consumers and to get more sales.

3. Distribution

3.1. You can order a bottle on the website or go into stores like Dick's or REI. The company delivers with online orders or distributes them into stores. With online orders, you can do FedEx or Flat rate delivery depending how quickly you want the product.

4. Marketing-Information Management

5. Financing

5.1. They accept payments with paypal, mastercard, discover, visa, or american express. In stores, you can purchase a hydro flask with cash as well.

6. Selling

6.1. The company sells its products in stores and online. It sells in a variety of different outdoor and sports stores and even some other stores such as Whole Foods and The Container Store.

7. Pricing

7.1. An 18 oz Wide/Standard mouth bottle sells for $29.95, a 12 oz coffee flask sells for $21.95, and a t-shirt sells for $34.95. They currently do not have any sales running, but they do have bundle packages that include different numbers of caps and bottles.

8. Promotion

8.1. Hydro Flask has partnered with the World Surf League as the official water bottle and drink ware sponsor. They made water bottles engraved with the world surf league logo.