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YA Book Reviews af Mind Map: YA Book Reviews

1. contact

1.1. a way to contact me to give input or express concerns.

1.1.1. I created a contact me page. Then I grabbed the contact me form and I dragged it to the contact me page.

2. faq

2.1. genreal questions that are asked

2.1.1. a

3. tips

3.1. ways that can help the audience.

3.1.1. a

4. home page

4.1. introduction of the ya book reviews.

4.1.1. The first paragraph I gave a general information about website but also trying to make it sound intrusion. My secound paragraph was giving more details about what my website has to offer.

5. about me

5.1. information about me that is relevant to website.

5.1.1. My first paragraph I talked about me and so interesting fact about myself that I felt the read would like to know. The second paragraph was my option on reading and the reason why I created that website.