Black and Cultured

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Black and Cultured af Mind Map: Black and Cultured

1. B&C Tagline: Learn to take care of the hair, and express your culture through the way you dress.

2. Strategic Planning

2.1. I will post a link to my strategic planning map in my about me page.

2.1.1. I will use the hyperlink app so that people ae simply able to click and go.

3. Contact Page

3.1. This page will have a discussion box for questions and comments along with the persons email information. I will then use it to reply or respond to the comments.

3.1.1. To respond to comments made on my page.

4. Outfits Page

4.1. This page will have popular outfits/style that I believe to be apart of black culture.

4.1.1. Social Media: I will go on Instagram and find outfits to post.

4.1.2. Screenshot; I will use the screenshot tool on my phone to get the pictures.

5. References

5.1. This Page will have all of the citations used on my website.

5.1.1. Weebly Text: I will just copy and paste the information using bullet point and the text box.

6. Home Page

6.1. Collage of Black Art/ photos of Black people

6.1.1. Smilebox: A free photo collage maker will be used to post a compilation of images based on my content pages.

7. About me

7.1. This page will have a brief description of me and my background along with my social media handles.

7.1.1. Tiny Link: To add my SPM so its easy for them to access my idea.

8. Hair Page

8.1. This page will have popular hair styles, along with hair care routines for boys and girls.

8.1.1. I will use you tube to find hair tutorial along with the makers information.

8.1.2. Screenshot: I will use the screenshot app to get the content and post it to my website.

8.1.3. Tiny Link: Tiny link will be used to post the link to you tube under the screenshot so they can just click and go to the tutorial.

9. Art page

9.1. This will be a page that hosts art by black people or art that depicts Black/African American culture.

9.1.1. Social media: I will use Instagram, Twitter etc. to get the different art work, along with the artist '@"

9.1.2. Screenshot: I will use the screenshot app to get the content and post it to my website.