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Dancers R Us af Mind Map: Dancers R Us

1. Strategic Planning

1.1. Organized thoughts and how I was shaped by dance to hopefully influence other dancers or potential dancers

1.1.1. ww.Mindmeister.com

2. Reference Page

2.1. Local dance studio websites

2.1.1. My own dance studios websites is a good reference page for each topic

3. Resources

3.1. About dance and how it changed me

3.1.1. Dance instructors who have taught me and my own experience Evergreendancecenter.com

4. Competition dancing

4.1. my history of it

4.1.1. tips

4.1.2. my pictures and videos from iPhone

5. Contact Page

5.1. Contact information of the dance studio I started at

5.1.1. Courtny Benbow 303-882-9238

6. About Me

6.1. About the passion I have of this topic

6.1.1. - dance experience in ballet, pointe, lyrical, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop, competition

6.1.2. have taught dance in hip hop and ballet

6.1.3. have danced since two years old

7. Genres of dance

7.1. each type of dance

7.1.1. where it will be performed

8. How to continue dancing

8.1. ideas and how to be prepared