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IB Programs af Mind Map: IB Programs

1. Primary Years Programme

1.1. 6 Transdisciplinary Themes

1.1.1. Who we are

1.1.2. Where we are in place and time

1.1.3. How the world works

1.1.4. How we organize ourselves

1.1.5. How we express ourselves

1.1.6. Sharing the planet

1.2. Culminating project: Exhibition

2. Middle Years Programme

2.1. 6 Global Contexts

2.1.1. Identities and relationships

2.1.2. Personal and cultural expression

2.1.3. Orientation in space and time

2.1.4. Scientific and technical innovation

2.1.5. Fairness and development

2.1.6. Globalization and sustainability

2.2. Culminating project: Personal project or community project

3. Offer IB validated assessment tasks

4. Diploma programme

4.1. 6 subject groups

4.1.1. Language and literature

4.1.2. Language acquisition

4.1.3. Individuals and societies

4.1.4. Sciences

4.1.5. Maths

4.1.6. Arts

4.2. Culminating project: Extended essay

5. Career-related programme

5.1. 4 elements

5.1.1. Personal and professional skills

5.1.2. Service learning

5.1.3. Reflective project

5.1.4. Language devleopment

5.2. Culminating project: Reflective project