Explicitly teaching thinking skills

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Explicitly teaching thinking skills af Mind Map: Explicitly teaching thinking skills

1. HOW?

1.1. Strategies

1.1.1. questioning through daily practice and giving students the chance to phrase and ask questions

1.1.2. split screen learning intentions What we are learning/ How we are learning

1.1.3. positive reinforcement of thinking

1.1.4. students setting themselves learning goals: thinking skills

1.1.5. ensuring thinking is visible and audible using drawing or writing to show thinkin giving reasons and justifications (WHY?)

1.1.6. teachers modeling their own thinking

1.1.7. thinking skills taught across the curriculum

1.1.8. reflecting on thinking skills using technology tools

2. The Learner

2.1. Learner Profile

2.1.1. students learn to become thinkers and reflective

2.2. Action

2.2.1. it connects directly to the action cycle where students choose, act and reflect

2.3. Exhibition

2.3.1. thinking skills are celebrated and assessed

2.4. agency

2.4.1. thinking skills promote agency: voice, choice and ownership

3. Learning and teaching

3.1. A transdisciplinary POI

3.1.1. Thinking skills are taught across the subjects, across the curriculum

3.2. ATL

3.2.1. Thinking skills are part of the ATLs

3.3. Inquiry

3.3.1. thinking skills drive the inquiry

3.4. langauge

3.4.1. learning about the language: forming questions

4. A community of learners

4.1. technology

4.1.1. can be a tool to promote reflection on thinking skills