What I know about Nike and Sweatshops

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What I know about Nike and Sweatshops af Mind Map: What I know about Nike and Sweatshops

1. Workers are payed under the the legal living wage and don't get overtime pay

2. Modern slavery

3. Nike is well know for their "swoosh" which is basically their logo/icon

4. Manual labour (physical work done by people)

4.1. Poor, unsafe and inhumane working conditions

5. Sweatshops are working environments

6. Nike produces many items such as sportswear, huge collections of footwear items, water bottles, bags, headbands, clothing, various accessories and many more!

7. No devices to contact families, relatives and friends outside

8. Items usually cost more to buy than make

9. Workers are systematically abused or suffer from sexual harassment

10. In Sweatshops, workers are over worked and have very little breaks (rest time)

11. Nike is one of the biggest brands in the world