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Project Life af Mind Map: Project Life

1. Misc

1.1. Try MeisterTask!

1.2. Exercise to relieve stress

1.3. Pick up corn feed for chickens

1.3.1. Clean chicken house

1.3.2. Gather eggs

2. School

2.1. Prepare for class time

2.2. Study material for test

2.2.1. complete assignments by deadlines

2.3. Complete Internship hours of 120 by end of semester in order to graduate.

3. Work

3.1. Complete necessary training

3.2. Document hours worked for DON Pathways Program

3.3. Acquire all clearances for use of computer systems

3.4. Complete new hire physical

4. Personal

4.1. Finish laundry for week

4.2. Complete household cleaning chores

4.3. Pick up son from football practices this week @ 7:30 pm

4.3.1. Game on Saturday at 2:30

4.4. Doctors appointment Monday, 8:30am